Come Join Us for Worship Sunday @ 10:00AM
9014 Biddulph Rd
Renew's mission is to reach the lost, renew the found and city, equip and empower the saints for the work of ministry, and to do this in unity with other churches

Gospel Centered this is demonstrated by filtering everything we do through the Gospel of Jesus. “The gospel is this: We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.” – Tim Keller
Engaged as demonstrated by understanding where God has placed us and engaging with people, leaders, the city, and the culture with the Gospel. “Being the church outside the four walls.”
Diversity as demonstrated by connecting, communing, and welcoming people from all ages, races, socioeconomics, nationalities, gender, and beliefs and at the same time staying true to the centrality of the Gospel.
Generosity as demonstrated by the giving of our time, talent, and treasures.
Intentional about Community Life was meant to be lived in community. We are not meant or wired to live alone, we are made for each other. This is demonstrated by us being in relationships where we encourage, love, bless, welcome, laugh, give freedom for people to be themselves, and value everyone in the community.
Courageous in our Calling God has a unique purpose that He desires to carry out in each individual person and the church as a whole. This is demonstrated by helping people discover their God given calling and helping them have the courage to live it out.
Authentic as demonstrated by being a church where people can be real and accepted no matter where they are on the faith spectrum. We believe people can belong before they believe.